Bestobell BTCS Sanitary Steam Trap
The BTCS Series is a bellows type, thermostatic steam trap with sanitary connections. Designed specifically for clean steam systems. It features a 20Ra internal finish, and a self-draining design, to minimize the possibility of medium entrapment and bacterial growth.

Steriflow Mark 93TH Series – Sanitary Steam Traps
The Mark 93TH is a balanced port, thermostatic steam trap designed for use in validated clean steam systems that use threaded tube fittings or threaded tubing adapters for connections. The sanitary design includes a 20Ra µin internal finish, self-draining design, and a compact size.

Steriflow Mark 93JR Series – Sanitary Steam Traps
The Mark 93JR Series is an ultra compact, balanced port, thermostatic steam trap designed specifically for use in validated clean steam system for low to medium condensate flows. The sanitary design follows ASME BPE guidelines including a 20Ra uin internal finish, self draining design, and all relevant materials, marking and documentation.

Sterilfow Mark 94 Series Steam Traps
The Mark 94 is a thermostatic steam trap designed specifically for use in higher capacity SIP applications like large filter, and medium to large vessel applications. It features a 20 Ra internal finish, and a self-draining design, to minimize the possibility of medium entrapment and bacterial growth. The Mark 94 has been designed to provide high condensate flow rates during SIP heat up, allowing vessels and other process equipment to reach validation temperature in minimum time.

Universal Delta Element Steam Trap
Bestobell Steam offers a universal mount, bimetallic steam trap for plant applications requiring standardized connections. The universal mounting connections allow trap use on an manufacturer’s universal mount. The two bolt replacement module is easy to install, replace or rebuild.