Kytola Instruments develops, manufactures and sells precision equipment for flow measuring, monitoring and regulation needs such as flow meters, oil lubrication systems and oil analyzers.

Kytola’s flow meters cover a broad array of industrial flow meters for a variety of media. Our flow meters are made to cover most industrial flow measurement needs. Our specialists are happy to help you select the most suitable models for your specific needs from plastic tube, metal tube, multi-tube or oval gear flow meters. We cater for small flows as well as large flows, also with customized flow ranges and scales.

Kytola® Instruments OY is part of a group of companies that is family owned under the Kytola® name. The company founded in 1945 by Olli Kytola is located in Muurame, Finland. Olli Kytola understood there was a need for reliable flow measuring instruments. He achieved his dream as the Kytola line of products has systematically and steadily grown during past decades to an internationally known company, whose products are used worldwide.

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